Sleep apnea and snoring often go hand-in-hand. While suffering from one does not always indicate that you will suffer from the other, it’s important that you recognize the signs that might indicate a more serious problem. Dr. Siewert and our qualified staff are here to provide sleep apnea treatment in South Elgin that is designed to eliminate obstructions to help you breathe freely and sleep soundly. If you are struggling to wake up well-rested and are worried about the frequent interruptions you experience throughout the night, call our dental office to schedule an appointment.
The American Heart Association estimates that one in five adults has some form of sleep apnea. While it is less likely to occur in children, it can still pose problems even at a young age.
This harmful condition can result in serious complications if left untreated. Apnea episodes occur when an obstruction forms in the airway, causing ceased breathing. If you suddenly wake gasping for air or choking, your body has likely alerted your brain to wake up and breathe. This can happen once or hundreds of times each night, resulting in problems forming throughout the body.
While chronic fatigue might seem like the most potentially harmful result of sleep apnea because of its ability to induce drowsy driving, others can be equally damaging, such as:
You may not know if you are suffering from sleep apnea unless you take the time to learn about the other various symptoms that can arise. These often include:
Grand Dental – South Elgin will help you get the care you need right here in our office. Apart from referring you to a physician who will perform a sleep study (this is required for a formal diagnosis), we can deliver the right method of treatment to improve your sleep apnea symptoms.
This may include prescribing a continuous positive airway pressure device (CPAP) or a customized oral appliance if you find that you are unable to successfully maneuver a CPAP machine. With these custom-made, portable, and easy-to-use appliances, we can craft what looks like a traditional mouthguard that you will wear while you sleep. It helps to pull your jaw forward so that your throat remains free of obstruction throughout the night.